Saturday, September 20, 2008

Season Summary

I competed in the NPC USA's as my second and last show this year. My last post included "what went right?", "what went wrong?" and "How to fix what went wrong" lists. Following up on those lists, I am happy to say that I did repeat all of what went right in Las Vegas. As for what went wrong and what I did to fix those things, I was pretty successful too. First thing that went right was I did make lightweights at this show. I finally got my head into the game, busted my ass, and stopped making excuses. My water loss worked out ideally as did my carb plan. I placed last in my class mostly because I was not lean enough this year.

My season this year was more of a learning experience than a successful competitive season. I did not place in the top 5, so my national qualification is only good for one more year. I had planned to take next year off, but now I have to decide if I want to go ahead and compete next year in order to requalify nationally or if I want to wait and try to requalify in 2010. Either way, next time I compete, I want to make sure that my head is in the right place from the beginning. I want to come in the biggest and leanest I ever have and not have any reason to have come short of my absolute best.